» Read Online The Artist Journey Bold Strokes To Spark Creativity edition by Nancy Hillis Religion Spirituality eBooks
Nelson James on Sunday, April 14, 2019
Read Online The Artist Journey Bold Strokes To Spark Creativity edition by Nancy Hillis Religion Spirituality eBooks
Product details - File Size 765 KB
- Print Length 144 pages
- Publisher The Artist's Journey; 1 edition (January 27, 2019)
- Publication Date January 27, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

The Artist Journey Bold Strokes To Spark Creativity edition by Nancy Hillis Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
- I have been a closet painter for years while working as an RN. After retiring I started painting full time and struggled with self-criticism. I have heard that when the student is ready the guide will appear. Nancy Hillis and her new book are my guide. I have taken classes from her and agree with one reviewer who complained about no pictures in the book but Nancy does provide a link to free videos. This book is about painting from who you are as an artist. Since this is a journey of self it is for the reader to determine their marks and path and Nancy provides the map to find your own buried treasure within. Each artist is unique and Nancy helps guide the way. The combination she makes available provides a gentle supportive road map to creating with joy. I paint abstracts so added a recent image titled "Genesis" based on her teaching and support.
- I've read a good number of art and motivation books. I was a little concerned that this one would be like the others. I was also expecting this one to be filled with the artist's work (I love her raw art style) and it wasn't.
First, as I read along, I realized that NOT having her art on every page was a good thing. It's so easy to see someone's art and want to make your art look like theirs. This book is all about authenticity. Uncovering yourself again through your art, expressing things you can't find words for, touching back into how you felt when you were a child... Unlimited curiosity, play, imagination and wonder that gets covered up over time.
This book is purely words, the printed version has a wide margin (I've seen photos) and initially that put me off. But the simplicity and purity of the message has been making a huge impact on me so far.
I especially have struggled as an artist. As I grew and was drawing all of the time, I started taking art classes and had dreams of being famous. All of that started making me very stiff. I created in ways that were popular. I created for approval and for sales. Also, sometimes I found myself just creating like I was a camera, copying what I saw exactly. Not that any of these things don't have their merit, but I was starving for more! Every time I tried something new, I tried sticking to it like a formula thinking I'd 'found my style' like so many artists hope for, only to burn out again.
After some traumatic life events I started creating more and more abstract artworks, only to have them eventually grow stiff again. I always seemed to find myself trying to fit a formula or thinking too much about my art, worrying what others would think. Abstract art made me feel like I was tapping into something deeper, but I was still getting stuck.
This book has been so eye opening for me. It feels like I'm slowly uncovering that thirst for creating that I had when I was little, where I'd just pick up the crayons or the chalk and create without thinking, not caring if anyone ever saw it. Going with the movement of my body and just being with the paper and art supplies like they were the greatest thing on Earth.
There are interesting exercises in here. I especially love making painting 'starts' as it just gets me going and I don't even have to think. It's really refreshing and addicting and it sure beats out that fear of a blank page.
I'm about halfway through the book. I've been highlighting it a lot and letting it all sink in. I'm still a little stuck in ways, trying to get past the logical side of my brain that makes my art feel stiff. But I'm excited the more I read. I feel hope and joy for my art again.
I can't wait to buy the hard copy someday. I will definitely return to this book when I'm feeling down about my creativity.
So... If you need a boost and are wanting to really express yourself as an artist, this book is very worth it. I hope it will help you like it's helping me. - It’s finally here! I follow Nancy on Instagram and pre-ordered my copy of “The Artist’s Journey.†It arrived today and I must say, I am enchanted. I sat down to immediately begin devouring it and as I began to read, I felt equal parts, terror and relief.
Terror because I have a feeling I’m about to do a deep dive into a new part of art-making. And relief, because I want to go deeper and can tell she gets the resistance and is the person to help take me there. She gets all of it, the process and the avoidance of the process. It’s like reading my own diary as she talks about the perils of being an artist.
So far her book is much-needed encouragement to keep crawling through the unknown. To find what I am certain is waiting for me on the other side of the willingness to be brave and do it anyway.
Nancy is a psychiatrist and artist and has interesting dialogue about how the two are connected. I love her writing voice as well as her rich, heavily-marked abstracts. I am into chapter 3 already and excited to continue. Nancy offers online courses too, which I am now seriously considering. Looks like she will be my new guide to “terra incognita,†as she likes to say. Yay!
I fell in love with “The Artist’s Way†by Julia Cameron years ago and still refer to it today. I can see “The Artist’s Journey†becoming a new staple of my creative library. 😊 - With lyrical prose The Artist’s Journey takes the reader on an exciting adventure of overcoming the internal roadblocks to creativity by increasing vulnerability and learning to trust the true self.
Nancy’s keen use of literary knowledge coupled with practical exercises in each chapter helped me begin to move beyond my fears and into my art in a whole new way. A way that cares less about what others think and more about what is true to who I am and what my soul longs to create. I look forward to seeing how The Artist’s Journey continues to shape my growth as an artist!
Leigh Hudson - If you've ever approached a blank support --be it canvas, paper or panel -- with fear in your heart and the certainty you'll never find the right marks, notes or words, this book is for you. Nancy takes you by the hand and shows you the way. She is uniquely qualified to do so. I took one of her on-line classes two years ago. My work improved, my spirit soared, and though I still get butterflies every time I enter my studio, I know I'm not abnormal, a phony, or a fraud. Just a creative spirit in search of a beautiful thing.
There are exercises throughout, and wonderful videos you can access. All were beneficial, but one swept me off my feet. As an art historian and former museum curator, I recognize "the signature" of many well known artists, but I failed to recognize my own. Until I did the exercise on page 33 and discovered that my marks are also unique -- the same gestures and squiggles and wiggles appear throughout my abstracts without my knowing. They've always been there. They're "ME!" Nancy Shaw - She repeats the same messages over and over, paint every day. Well everyone says that. Nothing new here. No clear step by step process.