Ebook HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three FullLength HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam 9781628456028 Medicine Health Science Books

Test Prep Books' HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 & 2020 Three Full-Length HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam
Made by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the HESI A2 exam.
This comprehensive study guide includes
•Quick Overview Find out what's inside this guide!
•Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam!
•Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!
•3 Practice Tests Practice makes perfect!
•Reading Comprehension
•Anatomy and Physiology
•Detailed Answer Explanations Figure out where you went wrong and how to improve!
Disclaimer *HESI is a registered trademark of the Health Education Systems Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
Studying can be hard. We understand. That's why we created this guide.
Each section of the test has a comprehensive review created by Test Prep Books. These reviews go into detail to cover all of the HESI A2 test.
The Test Prep Books HESI A2 practice test questions are followed by answer explanations.
If you miss a question, it's important to understand why. That way, you can avoid missing it again in the future. The answer explanations will help you learn from your mistakes.
Knowing the latest test-taking strategies is essential for the exam.
A test taker has to understand the material that is being covered. They also must be familiar with test strategies.
These strategies are necessary to properly use the time provided. They also help test takers complete the test without making any errors. Test Prep Books has provided the top test-taking tips.
Anyone planning to take this exam should take advantage of this Test Prep Books study guide. Purchase it today to receive access to
•Review materials
•HESI A2 practice exam questions
•Test-taking strategies
Ebook HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three FullLength HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam 9781628456028 Medicine Health Science Books
"The book is broken down in different subjects in which you are tested on. The test provide the answers but also the reason for the correct answer as well as why the other answers were incorrect. That was a big help in comprehending and understanding the material. I think this is a great study guide."
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Tags : HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three Full-Length HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam 9781628456028 Medicine Health Science Books @ ,Test Prep Books Study Guide Team,HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three Full-Length HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam,Test Prep Books,1628456027,MEDICAL / Nursing / General,MEDICAL / Nursing / Test Preparation Review (see also STUDY AIDS / NCLEX),STUDY AIDS / Study Guides,Study Aids/Study Guides,hesi a2 study guide 2018,hesi a2 study guide 2018-2019,hesi a2 study guide 2018-2019; hesi a2 study guide 2018; hesi admission assessment exam review; hesi a2 study guide 2019; hesi study guide,hesi admission assessment exam review,Study Aids / College Entrance,Study Aids / Tests
HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three FullLength HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam 9781628456028 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews :
HESI A2 Study Questions 2019 2020 Three FullLength HESI A2 Practice Tests 900+ Test Prep Questions for the HESI Admissions Assessment 4th Edition Exam 9781628456028 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews
- This book is helpful however, it’s more complicated than it has to be, it was very tough and did not really reflect the HESI questions. The passages for reading were entirely too long, the math section was helpful, chemistry was good, bio and a&p questions were different than what I was asked on the HESI, this book is ok if you want extra practice for certain sections but not really for bio, a&p, and vocabulary, the vocab was way easier than this book made it seem
- This book has good information in it, BUT the practice tests and questions are way more complex than what is on the actual HESI exam.
- Brand spanking new
- This book is really helpful
- The test prep book came in perfect condition! And at a really reasonable price as well.
- I really enjoy a thorough study guide, but I most definitely appreciate lots of practice tests to help prepare for exams. So to be clear the book is filled with relevant and challenging Study Questions to help students prepare for the actual HESI Test. It has three exams that cover Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, and Physics, followed by the Answer Explanations in that previous order. The book covers a lot of information, and it is pretty thick, but the format and wording help the book to feel very engaging and interesting for me. Some sections have 50 questions and some have 55 questions, and some have 25 questions, so the tests do not feel repetitive.
I really enjoy how the explanations are structured in a way that really helps to explain the problem thoroughly. Many of the explanations even have diagrams to help to explain the problem in detail.
I also really enjoyed the test taking tips. It seems that test taking strategies are often overlooked., or underappreciated, but the book actually gave some suggestions that seemed new to me.
This book is definitely aimed at helping students to pass the exam, and not just study for it. - The HESI A2 test guide comes with 3 full length exams and very complete model answers.The guide covers mathematics, language skills, biology, chemistry,physics and anatomy/physiology.
The guide has exhaustive exam taking techniques like predicting the answer, identifying incorrect responses, reading the questions fully, avoiding over-analyzing the choices and advice not to panic. A model question is
o Eosinophils are best described as
A type of leucocyte found under mucous membranes that defend against multicellular parasites. (Choice C)
[Mucus is a noun and mucous is an adjective. The actual fluid that comes from the nose when congested is mucus and the linings that secrete mucus are mucous membranes.]
Overall, the HESI A2 guide is a well constructed review book which is easily understood and well focused on the exam content. - The book is broken down in different subjects in which you are tested on. The test provide the answers but also the reason for the correct answer as well as why the other answers were incorrect. That was a big help in comprehending and understanding the material. I think this is a great study guide.