» Read Changeling Illusion Thirteen Realms Marina Finlayson Books
Nelson James on Sunday, April 14, 2019
Read Changeling Illusion Thirteen Realms Marina Finlayson Books
Product details - Series Thirteen Realms (Book 3)
- Paperback 297 pages
- Publisher Finesse Solutions (January 31, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1925607046

Changeling Illusion Thirteen Realms Marina Finlayson Books Reviews
- Sadly, the book finished. Finlayson has crafted an excellent series, combining a wry sense of humor with action, adventure and a torrid love affair that I bet she'd be embarrassed to show her mother. Her storytelling combines an almost perfect combination of predictability and unexpected twists right when you're thinking "yeah, that's pretty much what I thought," out pops a twist like a demented jack-in-the-box. More than once I had "whoah, duuuuude" moments.
This is not a literary masterpiece, but it's a darned enjoyable ride and I'm looking forward to the new series that was teased at the back of the book. - Well there is a wrap up on this trilogy i wanted it cleaner. There was so much at the end to resolve.
- I can't say anything to spoil the story in this series, however, I will tell you this series is FANTASTIC.
- I love this series. It ended to soon. I love the characters in it. I hope it will continue. Great series!
- Hated to see this series end. I cant wait for the new one to continue the adventure. A must read!
- Allegra really found her own in this book. I loved to see her personal growth, and the way that she handled twists and conflicts with dignity and maturity. Honestly, I found myself liking her character so much so that I’m sad to see her story end.
The book was full of intrigue, betrayal, and more beautiful world building. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the kind of mystery that leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat or chewing your fingernails to the quick, but I was very happily engaged during the entire story. There was no dragging, just a smooth and easy flow. Surprisingly, there was a nice twist in the ending that I wasn’t anticipating at all.
Now, for what I didn’t like... Unfortunately, I still didn’t get any chemistry between Allegra and Hawk. Maybe I’m looking at the whole series wrong, and their relationship was secondary, or even tertiary to the actual storyline. So, if you’re looking for a good PNR, this is not the series for you. The romance was very flat, with no heat.
Also, as the H, I found Hawk rather boring. With the exception of the opening chapters, you don’t see much of him in the story, and he’s definitely not bringing much action. I’m also left questioning what is going to happen between the two of them. Their stations are vastly different, a point which was brought up many times throughout the books. It will be interesting to see what becomes of them in the next series, which is related, and in the 13 realms world.
In conclusion, if you’re looking for a fun urban fantasy that’s a quick, easy read with good world building, and a decently twisty mystery, pick up this series. The writing is good, there are very few grammatical errors, and it’s a perfect choice for a escapist fantasy series. - I stopped reading after the DRAGONS death. It was just too much. I picked up the book a month later a bit sad and angry and had my mind blown. Talk about psyching out the reader!!!
Why oh why do books end without concluding the storyr??? I have so many questions!!! I hate it when a book leaves unanswered questions!!!! What prompted Hedrik do his genocide bit? Where was the Dragon when he was supposed to be dead? Is he loyal to the King or is he another traitor? What is Kellith's wife to do now she knows she's been sleeping with a stranger? What about the belligerent queen, she has to be thinking of her own position now!? Sigh, just too many loose ends... - I get that the author plans on a spin off series, but a lot is left unsaid at the end. It felt untidy and a bit of a let down, if I'm honest. Another trend I've noticed is that she tends to avoid the action of big plot reveals and instead the reader finds out what happened when Allegra is discussing it after the fact with her friends. Feels like a cheap plot move. I'll still read Sage's series. And even though the "cantankerous old lady" archetype is a staple in this genre, I think Yriell might be my favorite character.