Ebook Operation Syria SSquad William Meikle 9781925840483 Books

A trip to a war zone to rescue trapped archaeologists finds the S-Squad in a remote desert region of lost cities and temples. They quickly discover that they are not alone among the ruins. First they find the bodies, then they find the webs, then they're in real trouble when the spiders attack. Big spiders. Lots of them.
Ebook Operation Syria SSquad William Meikle 9781925840483 Books
"The real strength of these books continues to be the way Meikle combines creature fare with pulp adventure elements. Giant spiders provide plenty of creepy crawly action, as expected, but are heightened in atmosphere by archeology, myth, and another interesting locale. These are still a lot of fun, so I hope they don't stop just yet."
Product details

Tags : Operation Syria (S-Squad) [William Meikle] on . A trip to a war zone to rescue trapped archaeologists finds the S-Squad in a remote desert region of lost cities and temples. They quickly discover that they are not alone among the ruins. First they find the bodies,William Meikle,Operation Syria (S-Squad),Severed Press,1925840484,FICTION / Horror,Fiction / Science Fiction / Action Adventure
Operation Syria SSquad William Meikle 9781925840483 Books Reviews :
Operation Syria SSquad William Meikle 9781925840483 Books Reviews
- Rebels have grabbed some archaeologists working in Syria. Others managed to wall themselves up in a room after radioing for help.
The S Squad arrives, now up to full strength after replacing some members killed in previous adventures, to bring them home.
But it’s not rebels that are the problem. It’s spiders, lots of spiders, some very big spiders that are the danger. They behave a bit like pack animals and tap out signals to start swarm attacks. And, of course, there are webs, lots of spiderwebs big enough to hold men.
Not every squad member is going to be going home, and one of the archaeologist heroically helps the squad complete their mission.
What I liked best was Meikle’s use of the historic past of Dura-Europos, where the story takes place, and the real archaeological finds from there.
I also appreciated that, finally, the S Squad gets to use something besides just rifles and pistols against a monster.
If you’ve liked the series so far, this one won’t disappoint. - I have read all 6 books. They are great, full of non-stop action and entertainment. I hope this is not the last book on the S-Squad.
- The most enjoyable S-Squad book so far and they’ve all been good. Action packed right up until the final page. Highly recommended.
- Could tell the difference between this and the last one right from the beginning , the characters were being fun again and the action comes quickly.
The squad gets three new members joining the surviving three and I was glad to see that , was worried adding new people was being ignored. Of course Wiggins gets a promotion meaning he gets more money per every Sarge's wife joke and action movie reference. (It wouldn't be a proper review from me if I didn't rag on him.)
The spiders ..... Oh man. Proper scary creature at any size. The author used every part of them well. Fangs dripping venom , hairy bodies , many eyes shining in the darkness , the sharp ends of feet making noises hitting surfaces of things .. Argh. Well done , but argh..
The action in this one just never lets up , and the Squad members and new supporting characters personalities shine through again. It's not bogged down by occult things it's not prepared to go all in on , and while still not having deep characters they are once again funny without being annoying and very personable.
Even the location is awesome. It makes for a perfect siege situation and I always enjoy those. Then you have the fun alternative history stuff , mostly Roman this time. I was really worried about this one after the last book , but I just can't say enough nice things about it.
S-Squad works best in my opinion when when it goes at a blistering pace and keeps the focus on the action and squad members personalities and not about over explaining the creatures or magic / occult elements. For the non stop action and awesomely done creature this one gets the full stars. - I love these books. I’ve read them all. They’re my go to ones when I need to be easily and quickly entertained. They’re a combination of the cryptid and military action genres. This one involves S-Squad rescuing an archeology team that has come under attack while doing work in Syria. They’re under attack not by rebels but rather an undefined “terrorâ€. The story is short but the action and suspense starts almost immediately. The writing is crisp, fast paced and the dialog humorous at times. I can’t wait for the next installment to become available.
- I've read all six books in this series, and this one is easily the creepiest since S-Squad #1 'Infestation', and my favorite since then.
The specific monsters this time (big, nasty spiders) should easily cause you a sleepless night, ... or more.
But as always, the main attraction here is the Team. Our boys are back together again Banks, Hynd and Wiggins, with 3 new recruits. There's plenty of smokin', shootin', and playful banter, with some archaeology and history thrown in as a bonus.
Their situation looks dire, as always. But with these chaps, that's just another day at the office.
A fun, creepy, enjoyable read.
Truly hoping the author has ideas enough for a few more. - This is a great series of military guys fighting monster books. I've loved them all. And in this installment, we get some new guys to join our old vets. And spiders. Giant, man-eating spiders. Nothing I hate worse! If you like a good action series, check out the S-squad. Can't wait for the next book - Thanks Mr. Meikle.
- The real strength of these books continues to be the way Meikle combines creature fare with pulp adventure elements. Giant spiders provide plenty of creepy crawly action, as expected, but are heightened in atmosphere by archeology, myth, and another interesting locale. These are still a lot of fun, so I hope they don't stop just yet.