» Read Becoming Curious A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions Casey Tygrett James Bryan Smith 9780830846276 Books
Nelson James on Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Read Becoming Curious A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions Casey Tygrett James Bryan Smith 9780830846276 Books
Product details - Paperback 192 pages
- Publisher IVP Books (May 1, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0830846271

Becoming Curious A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions Casey Tygrett James Bryan Smith 9780830846276 Books Reviews
- Casey Tygrett's book invites us into the joy and security of being free and encouraged to ask questions of our faith. It is refreshing to know you do not have to have all the answers and that God actually encourages us to seek Him at a deeper level, Using personal stories, thoughtful references from many strong Christian authors, and searching questions at the end of each chapter, Casey keeps you engaged and challenged to delve deeper into your faith. This is a great book for Christians at all levels of their faith.
- Our church chose this book for small group study as much on the forward by James Bryan Smith and the subject as we understood it. Questions are powerful tools for formation and the author chose them well. The issue was in his attempt to draw the reader into caring about each question in the first place, let alone fleshing out the concepts of why each is important to be an avenue of reflection and introspection. I wanted it to be so much more for the participants. It just wasn't the level of substance I was hoping for.
- I read and journaled my way through Casey Tygrett’s questions noted in Becoming Curious. After all, Jesus asked lots of questions. “The great grace of curiosity is that it allows us to enter difficult and unsteady rooms of life and find the centering, peaceful presence of Jesus inviting us to come deeper still,†Tygrett wrote. “Is there a way to move through change, loss, and pain with our souls intact? What tools, guidance, or insights on how to journey joyfully through change do we find in Jesus? What if, in fact, dying is not only the point, but it is truly the way to live?†(153) Change. Crucifixion, resurrection, ascension. A gentle form of dying so something deeper and stronger can rise in us.
- In this second half of life I'm in, I'm finding I need to be intentional to stay open and outwardly turned to the world and God's purposes for me in it. To stay thirsty, learning and growing. And to be intentional about mindfulness and fully experiencing every moment. The practice of curiosity as defined by Casey Tygrett will do just that. Especially like the question and journal format at the end of each chapter. It's an excellent book to help you get centered and keep you there. Would be a wonderful book to do with a group. Casey's vivid imaging and depth of knowledge make reading it a pleasure! This is the book I am passing on to all my friends and I know i will be returning to it again and again. If you like Richard Rohr, James Bryant Smith, Ruth Haley Barton, and Henri Nouwen you will like this!
- I've been working my way through this book for several weeks. I'm captivated by the idea that curiosity - an innate trait of children gradually fading as age progresses - can be reintroduced to adults. This reintroduction is growth-producing. Becoming Curious can be read quickly and set aside but the reader would lose a great opportunity for introspection and growth if the words are read and the questions at the end of each chapter skipped. Take your time and park on every page. Find a beautiful journal in which to record your thoughts and questions. This book would work for indivicials and groups.
- Curiosity may have killed the cat but it fuels the Church. The journey that is the Kingdom of God is an open invitation to all, but only those who have enough curiosity to investigate the resurrection will experience this journey. Casey teaches us how to stay curious and transforming in our lives with Christ. I found his book to be a fresh take on spiritual formation and personally challenging yet encouraging to my walk with Jesus.
- Curious, looking at questions in a whole new perspective. Just this one word helped open my heart to an encouraging rather than condemning journey in knowing Him more.
- Examination of the questions of Jesus Christ in the New Testament - both asked and answered. Utterly fearless, soberingly so. Such that God is not someone to fear, but rather someone who welcomes all who come.