Download PDF Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A John Augustine Ryan eBook DD JOHN A John Augustine RYAN

Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A. (John Augustine) Ryan
Five of the nine members of the late Federal Commission on Industrial Relations united in the declaration that the first cause of industrial unrest is, "unjust distribution of wealth and income." In all probability this judgment is shared by the majority of the American people. Regarding the precise nature and extent of the injustice, however, there is no such preponderance of opinion. Even the makers of ethical and economic treatises fail to give us anything like uniform or definite pronouncements concerning the moral defects of the present distribution. While the Socialists and the Single Taxers are sufficiently positive in their statements, they form only a small portion of the total population, and include only an insignificant fraction of the recognised authorities on either ethics or economics.
The volume in hand represents an attempt to discuss systematically and comprehensively the justice of the processes by which the product of industry is distributed. Inasmuch as the product is actually apportioned among landowners, capitalists, business men, and labourers, the moral aspects of the distribution are studied with reference to these four classes. While their rights and obligations form the main subject of the book, the effort is also made to propose reforms that would remove the principal defects of the present system and bring about a larger measure of justice.
Many treatises have been written concerning the morality of one or other element or section of the distributive process; for example, wages, interest, monopoly, the land question; but, so far as the author knows, no attempt has hitherto been made to discuss the moral aspects of the entire process in all its parts. At least, no such task has been undertaken by any one who believes that the existing economic system is not inherently unjust. That the present essay in this field falls far short of adequate achievement the author fully realises, but he is sustained by the hope that it will provoke discussion, and move some more competent person to till the same field in a more thorough and fruitful way.
John A. Ryan.
The Catholic University of America,
Washington, D. C., June 14, 1916.
Introductory Chapter The Elements and Scope of the Problem
General References
1. The Landowner's Share of the National Product
Economic Rent Always Goes to the Landowner
Economic Rent and Commercial Rent
The Cause of Economic Rent
2. Landownership in History
No Private Ownership in Pre-Agricultural Conditions
How the Change Probably Took Place
Limited Character of Primitive Common Ownership
Private Ownership General in Historical Times
Conclusions from History
3. The Arguments Against Private Landownership
Arguments by Socialists
Henry George's Attack on the Title of First Occupancy
His Defence of the Title of Labour
The Right of all Men to the Bounty of the Earth
The Alleged Right of the Community to Land Values
4. Private Ownership the Best System of Land Tenure
The Socialist Proposals Impracticable
Inferiority of the Single Tax System
5. Private Landownership a Natural Right
Three Principal Kinds of Natural Rights
Private Landownership Indirectly Necessary for Individual Welfare
Excessive Interpretations of the Right of Private Landownership
The Doctrine of the Fathers and the Theologians
The Teaching of Pope Leo XIII
6. Limitations of the Landowner's Right to Rent
The Tenant's Right to a Decent Livelihood
The Labourer's Claim Upon the Rent
7. Defects of the Existing Land System
Landownership and Monopoly
Excessive Gains from Private Landownership
Exclusion from the Land
8. Methods of Reforming Our Land System
The Leasing System
Public Agricultural Lands
Public Ownership of Urban Land
Appropriating Future Increases of Land Value
Some Objections to the Increment
Download PDF Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A John Augustine Ryan eBook DD JOHN A John Augustine RYAN
""Distributive Justice", by John Ryan, a professor at Catholic University of America, is a basic moral evaluation of economic systems and their effect on a population. It gives arguments for and against private land; "Private ownership the best system..." Rights and limitations of owners and workers; "Socialist schemes and the restriction of Liberty," and Justification of interest, Moral aspect of profits, The minimum of justice - a living wage, many other items. Concludes that ownership, profits and living wage are all moral and justified, Socialism is stifling and economically destructive. Originally pub. in 1916, four years after the Encyclical "Rerum Novarum," ("On the condition of labor....") was published by Leo XIII, which in turn was based on the final instructions to the disciples, which included the words, "The laborer is worthy of his hire." This became the basis of the original American labor movement (before union corruption by leaders). Book is plainly and well written, covers virtually all pertinent topics. Was my textbook for Econ. course "Distribution of Wealth," at the University of Portland in 1949."
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Tags : Buy Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A. (John Augustine) Ryan Read 2 Books Reviews - ,ebook,D.D. JOHN A. (John Augustine) RYAN,Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A. (John Augustine) Ryan,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Economic Conditions,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Reference
Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A John Augustine Ryan eBook DD JOHN A John Augustine RYAN Reviews :
Distributive Justice / The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth by John A John Augustine Ryan eBook DD JOHN A John Augustine RYAN Reviews
- "Distributive Justice", by John Ryan, a professor at Catholic University of America, is a basic moral evaluation of economic systems and their effect on a population. It gives arguments for and against private land; "Private ownership the best system..." Rights and limitations of owners and workers; "Socialist schemes and the restriction of Liberty," and Justification of interest, Moral aspect of profits, The minimum of justice - a living wage, many other items. Concludes that ownership, profits and living wage are all moral and justified, Socialism is stifling and economically destructive. Originally pub. in 1916, four years after the Encyclical "Rerum Novarum," ("On the condition of labor....") was published by Leo XIII, which in turn was based on the final instructions to the disciples, which included the words, "The laborer is worthy of his hire." This became the basis of the original American labor movement (before union corruption by leaders). Book is plainly and well written, covers virtually all pertinent topics. Was my textbook for Econ. course "Distribution of Wealth," at the University of Portland in 1949.
- A book his relative, Paul Ryan, should study and take to heart. Written one hundred years ago, and still the "conservatives" don't get it.