Ebook Algebra Spanish Paperback Aurelio Baldor Books

Ãlgebra es un libro del matemático cubano Aurelio Baldor. La primera edición se produjo el 19 de junio de 1941. El libro contiene unos Preliminares, 39 capÃtulos más un apéndice. Los capÃtulos, en orden, son Suma, Resta, Signos de Agrupación, Multiplicación, División, Productos y Cocientes Notables, Teorema del Residuo, Ecuaciones enteras de primer grado con una incógnita, Descomposición factorial, Máximo común divisor, MÃnimo común múltiplo, Fracciones Algebraicas-Reducción de Fracciones, Operaciones con Fracciones Algebraicas, Ecuaciones Numéricas fraccionarias de primer grado con una incógnita, Ecuaciones literales de primer grado con una incógnita, Problemas sobre Ecuaciones Fraccionarias de Primer Grado_Problemas de los Móviles, Fórmulas, Desigualdades-Inecuaciones, Funciones, Representación gráfica de funciones, Gráficas-Aplicaciones Prácticas, Ecuaciones Indeterminadas, Ecuaciones Simultáneas de Primer Grado con dos incógnitas, Ecuaciones Simultáne
Ebook Algebra Spanish Paperback Aurelio Baldor Books
"I wish i knew it was a cloned copy!!! Some of the pages are hard to read!!!"
Product details

Tags : Algebra (Spanish) Paperback [Aurelio Baldor] on . Ãlgebra es un libro del matemático cubano Aurelio Baldor. La primera edición se produjo el 19 de junio de 1941. El libro contiene unos Preliminares,Aurelio Baldor,Algebra (Spanish) Paperback,Unknown,B0013ALGXG
Algebra Spanish Paperback Aurelio Baldor Books Reviews :
Algebra Spanish Paperback Aurelio Baldor Books Reviews
- Excelente y garantizado libro sobre álgebra elemental. A pesar de ser de carátula dura, mi ejemplar llegó con una grieta que parece de fábrica y no de envío. No he probado el CD el cual ha tenido quejas de otros lectores. Eviten la versión barata de paperback que tiene el dibujo del árabe en la portada. Completamente ilegible.
- The front and back trick you because the inside text is awful, very cheap paper and the printing same case. The bookbinding horrible, the pages
are getting loose from the spine, don't like it at all, cheap quality for a high price, bad overall. - This is a great book. It comes in Spanish and from Venezuela! Real surprise there, but Algebra is Algebra in any language. Satisfied.
- Estoy un poco ambivalente con esta compra, ya que si bien si es el Baldor que tuve en mi infancia, por dentro esta en blanco y negro. Dentro de todo es una ventaja, pues asi mis hijas podran marcarlo como ellas necesiten sin que sea que esten danando el libro.
- I really remember having to go through math and trigonometry under tutors that kept on pounding on your head that math was a neccesary nuisance, until I came across this remarkable book, I can tell you that it so clear and impressive that anyone, with or without mathematical background will be able to understand it. Remember that math is the universal language and for this book the piece by piece attack on the theme is more than enough to understand it, spanish is advisable though not essential, this book teaches you to love math and makes it fun, open and easy, it can be applied on your everyday life.
It takes you by the hand step by step from two variable equations to full scale three dimensional matrix series, giving it sense to a whole new world of mathematical thinking, right now I am going through a proccess to start my Masters by Research on Australia (On Biomedical Sciences), and to begin with I needed to refresh my memory on some algebra and trigonometry, I took some steps towards books like the Tippler and Shaums, and though they claim the easiness of use of its contents, to my surprise more that 80% percent of my answers were coming from the Baldor series.
Sometimes is easy to under estimate a book that comes from a neighboring country that is say "underdeveloped" but I think it is about high time that we might start to share some common knowledge that would enrich our mutual knowledege. By now I haven't found any book that comes closer to the comprehention that this book opens to the novele and experienced mathematician, I sincerely recomend this text to anyone that might be submerged into mathematic themes from shallow to deep, belive me it will not disappoint anyone, or at least it hasn't done so, I know more than a 100 people between students and serious proffessionals and investigators that have used it and are still using it. It has run water under the bridge since I used it and it is still brilliant and robust. - Although this is a photocopy of the original book.... no color illustrations like the original book. It was worth buying the book since I believe this is the best algebra book ever written!!!
- Ya no estoy en el colegio, pero aun lo uso y mucho, de hecho cuando estaba en el colegio me gusto el algebra solo por este libro. Puedes aprender algebra por ti solo por que el libro explica muy bien y con un lenguaje muy ameno. Es un libro que todo el mundo deveria de tener en su casa por que en algun momento se va ha necesitar. Un consejo nunca lo presten por que despues conseguir una copia buena y barata va ha ser muy dificil.
- I wish i knew it was a cloned copy!!! Some of the pages are hard to read!!!