Ebook The Eternal Message of Muhammad Islamic Texts Society Abd alRahman Azzam Vincent Sheean Caesar E Farah 9780946621484 Books

This translation into English of a great Islamic classic offers the western world a simple yet profound interpretation of Islam. Drawing upon years of unparalleled experience in diplomacy and government, Azzam examines the social and economic ramifications of the Muslim state, one based on humane ideals of law and justice expressed in the Qur'an, and one which can provide the foundation for a just society. Abd al-Rahman Azzam (1893-1976) is generally considered as the father of the Arab League. He served as the League's first Secretary-General between 1945-52 as well as distinguishing himself in a long career as an ambassador and parliamentarian. As Vincent Sheean points out in his introduction, 'In Damascus as well as in Djakarta, Istanbul and Baghdad, this man is known for valour of spirit and elevation of mind...He combines in the best Islamic mode, the aspects of thought and action, like the Muslim warriors of another time who are typified for us Westerners by the figure of Saladin.' Malcolm X's reading of The Eternal Message of Muhammad and his meeting with Azzam Pasha are vividly recounted in his Autobiography. It is clear that these events marked the point in his life at which Malcolm X turned towards orthodox traditional Islam.
Ebook The Eternal Message of Muhammad Islamic Texts Society Abd alRahman Azzam Vincent Sheean Caesar E Farah 9780946621484 Books
"Malcolm X's reading of this book and his meeting with the writer Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha are vividly recounted in his autobiography. It is clear these events marked the point in his life at which Malcolm X turned towards Islam.
I highly recommend this book which was written in 1946 for anyone who would like to understand Islam in a very simplified and practical approach that offers a view for a better world.
Amazingly, the author of this book Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha is no ordinary writer. A dedicated and balanced statesman and a fierce warrior and officer at the Ottoman Army who has led and organized the Libyans struggle against the invading Italian troops and one of the very few men who actually made the "Arab League" foundation come true, which entitled him to become its first Secretary General. Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha was also a minister in Egypt and a soldier in the Balkan and alongside other former Ottoman officers were trying to re-organize the Arab world based on idealistic Islamic views to unite arabs.
Reading this book in 2008, over 60 years since it was written; the book still makes great sense and is indeed eternal in its own rights for being able to still practically offer a better view for a world system based on faith, right and justice. Furtheremore, Azzam Pasha in his introduction of the book says: even if you don't agree with Islam or God, you could still find a very meaningful theory that can actually solve our modern world problems."
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Tags : The Eternal Message of Muhammad (Islamic Texts Society) [Abd al-Rahman Azzam, Vincent Sheean, Caesar E. Farah] on . <div>This translation into English of a great Islamic classic offers the western world a simple yet profound interpretation of Islam. Drawing upon years of unparalleled experience in diplomacy and government,Abd al-Rahman Azzam, Vincent Sheean, Caesar E. Farah,The Eternal Message of Muhammad (Islamic Texts Society),Islamic Texts Society,0946621489,Islam - Koran Sacred Writings,Islamic Studies,Islam.,Islam;Universality.,Comparative Religion,Islam,Islam - General,Islamic politics; Islamic society; just society in Islam; Islamic state,RELIGION / Islam / General,Religion - World Religions,Religion / Islam / Koran Sacred Writings,Religion/Comparative Religion,Social Science,Social Science / Islamic Studies,Sociology,Universality
The Eternal Message of Muhammad Islamic Texts Society Abd alRahman Azzam Vincent Sheean Caesar E Farah 9780946621484 Books Reviews :
The Eternal Message of Muhammad Islamic Texts Society Abd alRahman Azzam Vincent Sheean Caesar E Farah 9780946621484 Books Reviews
- The book was never inteneded for the western reader but rather for the Muslim reader over 30 years ago. Its aim was to bring the message of Islam to the modern Muslim in a style that he/she could understand and practice in their day to day lives. Thus, not only the fundamentals of belief are explained but also social and political issues that were effecting the Muslim world at the time. It is said that Malcolm X was given a copy of this book and it had a great effect on him brining him towards Sunni Islam.
It should be pointed out that the author was an Arab nationalist and so there are without doubt points in the book which are not shall we say, orthodox. Still, this is well worth a read. - Malcolm X's reading of this book and his meeting with the writer Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha are vividly recounted in his autobiography. It is clear these events marked the point in his life at which Malcolm X turned towards Islam.
I highly recommend this book which was written in 1946 for anyone who would like to understand Islam in a very simplified and practical approach that offers a view for a better world.
Amazingly, the author of this book Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha is no ordinary writer. A dedicated and balanced statesman and a fierce warrior and officer at the Ottoman Army who has led and organized the Libyans struggle against the invading Italian troops and one of the very few men who actually made the "Arab League" foundation come true, which entitled him to become its first Secretary General. Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha was also a minister in Egypt and a soldier in the Balkan and alongside other former Ottoman officers were trying to re-organize the Arab world based on idealistic Islamic views to unite arabs.
Reading this book in 2008, over 60 years since it was written; the book still makes great sense and is indeed eternal in its own rights for being able to still practically offer a better view for a world system based on faith, right and justice. Furtheremore, Azzam Pasha in his introduction of the book says even if you don't agree with Islam or God, you could still find a very meaningful theory that can actually solve our modern world problems.