Ebook Smoke and Key Kelsey Sutton Books

“Full of dark mystery and unexpected twists.†―Meg Kassel, author of Keeper of the Bees
A sound awakens her. There's darkness all around. And then she's falling...
She has no idea who or where she is. Or why she's dead. The only clue to her identity hangs around her neck a single rusted key. This is how she and the others receive their names―from whatever belongings they had when they fell out of their graves. Under is a place of dirt and secrets, and Key is determined to discover the truth of her past in order to escape it.
She needs help, but who can she trust? Ribbon seems content in Under, uninterested in finding answers. Doll’s silence hints at deep sorrow, which could be why she doesn't utter a word. There's Smoke, the boy with a fierceness that rivals even the living. And Journal, who stays apart from everyone else. Key's instincts tell her there is something remarkable about each of them, even if she can't remember why.
Then the murders start. Bodies that are burned to a crisp. And after being burned, the dead stay dead. Key is running out of time to discover who she was―and what secret someone is willing to kill to keep hidden―before she loses her life for good…
Ebook Smoke and Key Kelsey Sutton Books
"Excellent story, characters, and writing. The author creates a world that is dark and mysterious that the reader doesn’t want to leave. Highly recommend!"
Product details

Tags : Smoke and Key (9781640636002) Kelsey Sutton Books,Kelsey Sutton,Smoke and Key,Entangled Teen,1640636005,Dead;Fiction.,Horror stories.,Mystery and detective stories.,103702 Entangled Teen Distribution,Fiction-Fantasy,Historical / United States / 20th Century,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Romance / Paranormal,TEEN'S FICTION / FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION / ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Historical / United States / 20th Century,YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Paranormal, Occult Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction/Historical - United States - 20th Century,Young Adult Fiction/Romance - Paranormal,Contemporary; paranormal; boy next door; coming of age; overcoming odds; Teen and Young Adult Romance; Teen and Young Adult Epic Fantasy; Teen and Young Adult Coming of Age Fantasy; Teen and Young Adult Social Issues; Coming of Age Fiction; Teen Young Adult Coming of Age Fiction; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance eBooks; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Romance eBooks; Being a Teen eBooks; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Romance; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Romance; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Fantasy; Teen Young Adult Friendship Fiction; Teen Young Adult Horror; Teen Young Adult Girls Women Fiction,Contemporary; paranormal; boy next door; coming of age; overcoming odds; Teen and Young Adult Romance; Teen and Young Adult Epic Fantasy; Teen and Young Adult Coming of Age Fantasy; Teen and Young Adult Social Issues; Coming of Age Fiction; Teen Young Adult Coming of Age Fiction; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance eBooks; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Romance eBooks; Being a Teen eBooks; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Romance; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Romance; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy; Teen Young Adult Paranormal Urban Fantasy; Teen Young Adult Contemporary Fantasy; Teen Young Adult Friendship Fiction; Teen Young Adult Horror; Teen Young Adult Girls Women Fiction
Smoke and Key Kelsey Sutton Books Reviews :
Smoke and Key Kelsey Sutton Books Reviews
- Death, lost love, walking corpses, corsets, propriety, falling from graves, curious momentous and magic.
The spooky Historical Romance that your Gothic little heart was searching for.
Smoke and Key was just as beautiful, dark, sorrowful and mysterious as I’d hoped it would be.
Kelsey Sutton is Queen when it comes to ingenious and creatively mind-bending YA plots. She brings fantasy to life and completely astounds me with her imaginative ideas for books. Countdown clocks to death in Gardenia, a book of poetry about a girl living a life of imagination in The Lonely Ones, and a world where emotions take human form in the Some Quiet Place series?!
But my newest Kelsey Sutton obsession centers on Smoke and Key. It’s an eerie Gothic mystery dripping in fog and Tim Burton tendencies. The story takes place in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and moves between Key’s memories of her life and her time in Under. It is a time when young ladies are thrust into corsets and skirts, where propriety is everything, and when being caught with a member of the opposite sex in public, without a chaperone, is downright scandalous! It is a YA Crimson Peak (without the weirdness) and Corpse Bride mashup, stuffed with romance, murder and magic.
Under is neither heaven nor hell, it is a place in between, or so its inhabitants think. The place is downright creepy, and I was enamored with every moment of it. There is only dirt, cold and corpses in this depressing place and each person who walks its floor possesses the names of the objects they came with Key, Smoke, Ribbon, Journal, Pocket Watch, Doll. The characters and the world of Under is like a funhouse for the dead. It’s filled with charismatic characters whose flesh and organs are literally decomposing before the readers eyes, and they’re tipping over the Looney Tunes side of the sanity spectrum.
Though there is no clear indication of what age characters like Key, Smoke and Journal are, I would have to guess that they are in their late teens or very early twenties. I found Key to be an absolute dream and am so grateful the author didn’t turn her into an immature wailing female. Key is the picture of poise and manners, even in death, and she comes off as an incredibly strong-willed lady of the dead. Match her up with the brooding, curious and dashingly Gothic Smoke, and we’ve got ourselves the match-up for every bleak black heart out there!
But obviously, the real addiction here is the thrilling ride the reader takes as they begin to uncover what Under is, and how these people got there. As Key’s memories begin to surface, she gets snippets and clues of her life when she was alive. A big house with a girl who calls her sister, a boy in a library, and American with an infectious grin and a knack for fighting. Each memory brings Key closer to learning about herself and how she died, but it also brings her closer to the dark side of her life.
This book brought out so many emotions in me while I was reading. Sadness, longing, excitement, disgust, curiosity. I LOVE the world this author created and the characters that fill its pages. It was so different from every YA Fantasy story currently out right now, and it is bound to be a favorite if you love a Gothic tale with magic. I devoured every page and am still hopelessly looking for more…*sigh*.
I'm going to be looking at cemeteries with longing in my eyes now. - You guys. Smoke and Key is such an amazing read! It’s like this suspenseful historical YA paranormal with a magical morbid feel to it. A genre mouthful I realize. While reading I kept thinking if The Wizard of Oz & the movie Clue had a love child in the early 1900s and gave birth in a magical graveyard, then this book would be that baby. There’s a smidge of romance, but Smoke and Key is a highly plot driven story. We are focused on the why’s and the how’s of a place called ‘Under’ and it’s people. When a girl falls from the dirt sky and questions everything about the place and it’s people, things start to happen. Bad things. Memories. Good things.
Even though this book was mostly about the ride, that’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of amazing characters that you will meet and try to figure out while both loving and questioning them. The world that Ms. Sutton builds is mysterious and somehow beautiful although it is morbid. I enjoyed trying to figure out whodunit. There are moments that even felt a tiny bit scary, but there were also times that I felt sad and happy as well. I will say that pacing at times did feel slow, but it was mainly because I just wanted more answers. This story does jump back and forth between the present and the past, and I think that does make it a bit hard to follow at first. Once you get the hang of it and understand what exactly is going on it’s easier to follow.
All in all I enjoyed the characters and journey to the end very much! This is my first read from the author, and will not be the last. - So much to love about this book that I'm not sure where to start. Do I begin with the curious and delightfully dark world-building? The cast of fantastic and relatable characters? Or perhaps the mystery compounded by a slow-burn reveal of an intricate magical system? Altogether, this book works on many levels (pun-intended, you'll get it once you read it). There is just something so lovely about a novel that wraps itself up so nicely.
- Good mystery with magic. I wanted to know more about Under and it's in inhabitants and how the city was formed but there were not enough pages to really get into those details. That being said, the characters felt believable and real and the mystery of it all was well thought out.
- Excellent story, characters, and writing. The author creates a world that is dark and mysterious that the reader doesn’t want to leave. Highly recommend!
- So, honestly even though it started with what was supposed to be a pretty exciting or sudden frightening event, I felt as if it started a bit slow for me. It took a bit to get in. A third of the way through it did pick up, and I became invested in the characters and what was happening. As I continued to read I started thinking of what might be the twist. While I thought I knew what it might be, the author definitely kept me guessing till the end with the true motivations. There was at least one twist I did not see coming, even as who certain characters were fell into place, one or two still were surprises when I found out who they had been in the world before. While I get who and why all of this happened, I feel like the twists and turns made it harder for me to believe exactly how it all went down. It was original in how it ended and its overall plot, but I wouldn't put it as a top read of mine for the year. However it did keep my attention for the most part, and had some good moments and interesting character development, it maybe be more for you than it was for me.