Ebook Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! Free Companion Online Audio edition by Bac Hoai Tran Sandra Guja Reference eBooks

Easy Vietnamese is the perfect beginner's book for anyone who wants to learn Vietnamese on their own or with a teacher.
This invaluable guide introduces all the basics of the Vietnamese language, as well as vocabulary and tips for practical daily conversation. There is also a glossary of commonly used words and phrases, useful notes, pronunciation, greetings, sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, etiquette, and cultural dos and don'ts included throughout.
Filled with useful practice exercises, and online audio recordings for all the dialogues, vocabulary and exercises,
Easy Vietnamese will have you communicating effectively very quickly!
Ebook Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! Free Companion Online Audio edition by Bac Hoai Tran Sandra Guja Reference eBooks
"The book is well thought out and it is a very nice supplement for my Vietnamese lessons. The MP3s are very helpful for listing practice, however, the female speaker's Vietnamese is American Vietnamese I think... however that is not a problem as she is very easy to understand, and it is so hard to find Southern Vietnamese lessons."
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Tags : Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! (Free Companion Online Audio) - edition by Bac Hoai Tran, Sandra Guja. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! (Free Companion Online Audio).,ebook,Bac Hoai Tran, Sandra Guja,Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! (Free Companion Online Audio),Tuttle Publishing,Vietnamese,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Vietnamese,Foreign Language - Dictionaries / Phrase Books,Foreign Language Study,GENERAL,General Adult,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Alphabets Writing Systems,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Grammar Punctuation,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Spelling Vocabulary,Language,Non-Fiction,Southeast Asian Languages (See Also Vietnamese),TRAVEL / Asia / Southeast,VIETNAMESE (ANNAMESE) LANGUAGE,Vietnamese,Vietnamese language - English,Vietnamese language - Spoken Vietnamese,Vietnamese language;Conversation and phrase books;English.,Vietnamese language;Spoken Vietnamese.,Vietnamese language;Textbooks for foreign speakers;English.,learn vietnamese; vietnamese language; beginner vietnamese; study Vietnamese,learn vietnamese; vietnamese language; beginner vietnamese; study Vietnamese; vietnamese textbook; vietnamese books; vietnamese for beginners; vietnam travel; vietnamese travel,learn vietnamese;vietnamese language;beginner vietnamese;study Vietnamese,vietnam travel; vietnamese travel,vietnam travel;vietnamese travel,vietnamese textbook; vietnamese books; vietnamese for beginners,vietnamese textbook;vietnamese books;vietnamese for beginners,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Vietnamese,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Alphabets Writing Systems,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Grammar Punctuation,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Spelling Vocabulary,Southeast Asian Languages (See Also Vietnamese),TRAVEL / Asia / Southeast,Foreign Language - Dictionaries / Phrase Books,Vietnamese (Annamese) Language,Foreign Language Study,Language
Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! Free Companion Online Audio edition by Bac Hoai Tran Sandra Guja Reference eBooks Reviews :
Easy Vietnamese Learn to Speak Vietnamese Quickly! Free Companion Online Audio edition by Bac Hoai Tran Sandra Guja Reference eBooks Reviews
- The biggest kicker in buying this book is the focus on the Southern Vietnamese Dialect! There aren’t many books out there that does! This books main focus is on simple dialogues that are used in everyday life such as shopping, getting directions, greetings, ordering from a restaurant etc. The book is not too focus on grammar but has great list of vocabulary. This book of course, comes with an audio CD that is in MP3 format. Most of the speakers on the CD are of southern dialect, there’s only one speaker on the CD speaks with the northern dialect which might throw some people off but the vocabulary section will cover everything that was said in dialogues in the southern dialect. CD also comes with answer key which is good for corrections and self-studying. Anybody getting into the Vietnamese Language and want better focus on the southern dialect, I highly recommend this book.
- I bought this book about 6 months prior to a 2-week vacation in Vietnam (Saigon, Da Nang, Nha Trang). I used it in conjunction with Binh Nhu Ngo's Elementary Vietnamese and the first 10 lessons of Pimsleur's Speak and Read Essential Vietnamese series. Easy Vietnamese was the most useful of the three when it came to practical knowledge and I relied on its lessons the most while visiting Vietnam.
THE GOOD This particular book excels in preparing you for basic conversations on certain topics (think of it like "case studies"). You'll learn to introduce yourself, order food/drink at a restaurant, ask for prices while shopping, etc. The vocabulary in each section is limited to exactly what you need. It's one of the few Vietnamese language books written in the southern dialect, though speakers from either dialect understand each other. The phonetic pronunciations in English were EXTREMELY helpful, though you can compensate by typing the word into Google Translate and pressing the audio button. The dictionary is also pretty good and contained most words in basic conversation that I wanted to look up.
THE BAD This book is ineffective if you want a linguistic approach to learning Vietnamese (Elementary Vietnamese is the book you want for this). There are fewer examples in Easy Vietnamese when it comes to practice, so having a practice partner either locally or online is very helpful. The audio cd is fairly low-quality and sounds as if it were recorded at a kitchen table.
RESULTS Despite about 100 hours of practice before my vacation, my Vietnamese was on par with a toddler. And that shouldn't be surprising! I could order a bowl of Pho with iced tea and tell the waitress that it tasted good (Chapter 2), but I didn't have the words for anything else associated with the restaurant. Similarly, I learned four different ways to introduce myself to a new person between this book and others, but no one actually introduces themselves in such a formal way (Vietnamese locals thought I was speaking nonsense). A simple "Hello (honorific)" will suffice, even when meeting important people.
The use of honorifics is a notable failure for Easy Vietnamese (it's mentioned in a table once). Both this book and the Pimsleur cd advocate using the word "toi" ("me;" referring to self in first person) to prevent recalling a given honorific on the spot. Native speakers will refer to themselves in third person relative to who they are speaking with. Using "toi" was interpreted as disrespectful more than once (used when on equal playing fields, like non-familial friends of the same age). Age (non-family) and rank (family) matter a LOT, so it's best to err on the side of caution. This requires a bit of guess-work on age, though no one was insulted when I used honorifics that designated them as older/higher rank. However, some bristled when I accidentally ranked myself too high.
But hey, a simple language book can't prepare you for everything. Getting through this book would be like taking Spanish during Freshman year of high school and then visiting Spain. You can't expect to be a language expert after that, so don't expect too much from this (admittedly useful) book. I learned more from practicing for two weeks in Vietnam than sitting in my bedroom for an hour a day. If you're looking to get into the language, then this book is a decent introduction, but it must be supplemented with practice (online practice partners would be great!).
Finally, make an effort to be understandable, not to have perfect pronunciation. I spent quite a bit of time trying to pronounce given words or phrases perfectly, but it was all for naught. I can count on one hand the number of times a Vietnamese person understood what I said the first time. That's because I have a thick American accent and 6 months of on-and-off studying wasn't going to fix that. It's best to speak slower than usual so that native speakers have an easier time understanding you. Your time is better-spent speaking with native speakers and hearing the sounds as much as possible. Progress is slow, but persistence pays off in the end! - This is an excellent beginning book for trying to learn the Vietnamese language in southern dialect. At the beginning of the text the pronunciation is given phonetically for the vowels, vowel pairs, consonants and consonant pairs which I found useful. There is plenty of repetitive uses of the vocabulary to reinforce learning the new words. The downloadable audio of the dialog is very valuable for learning the pronunciation and listening sound of the language at normal speed. The dialog and the vocabulary is given in Vietnamese, English, and phonetic English. I really like that the phonetic English has the accent marks included which really helps with this tonal language. Grammar notes also presented throughout the text. I highly recommend this book
- The book is well thought out and it is a very nice supplement for my Vietnamese lessons. The MP3s are very helpful for listing practice, however, the female speaker's Vietnamese is American Vietnamese I think... however that is not a problem as she is very easy to understand, and it is so hard to find Southern Vietnamese lessons.
- Is written in a simple manner as possible, although my Vietnamese tutor stated there were occasional basic errors.
- not a cook book, but still helpful!
- If your a beginner this isnt for you
- I have not figured out how to read a long and learn what is being said. I have listened twice and haven’t picked up a few words at least